Resume and Cover Letter Revision Service
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Resume Writing>Education

The education of your resume will include the following:

- listing degrees
- continuing education

- professional development

- seminars

- workshops

- your GPA if you are just starting your career

  Read when to include your GPA on your resume and when not to

- and sometimes even self-study.

Under your objective statement, list any education or training that might relate. If you are not college graduate and haver very little experience, then your education section will be placed at the top of your resume. As you gain more experience, your education almost always gravitates to the bottom.

There is an exception to every rule in the resume business, however, so use your common sense. If you are changing careers and recently turned to college to obtain new credentials, your education section will appear at the top of the resume even if you have years of experience. Think about your strongest qualifications and make certain they appear in the top half of page one of your resume.

If you participated in college activities or received any honors or completed any notable projects that relate directly to your target job, this is the place to list them. This part can also appear under working experience.

Computerized applicant tracking systems are programmed to show that you have college study but not a degree if they see from-to dates. For instance, writing 1999-2001 implies that you did not graduate. If you graduated with a degree, list only the year you graduated (2001).

Diploma / Certificate

When you attend a trade school, you receive either a diploma or certificate. This type of schooling can be listed under the "Education" heading or under a separate heading called "Training" or "Technical Training."

Listing high school education and activities on a resume is only appropriate when you are under 20 and have no education or training beyond high school. Once you have completed either college courses or specialized technical training, drop your high school information altogether.

Continuing Education
Continuing Education shows that you care about lifelong learning and self-development, so think about any relevant training since your formatl education was completed. Relevant is the key word here. Always look at your resume from the perspective of a potential employer. Don't waste space by listing training that is not directly or indirectly related to your target job. This section can include in-services, workshops, seminars, corporate training programs, conferences, conventions and other types of trainings.

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